Quality alcohol, begins with a quality feedstock. CIE works with local farmers to acquire only the highest quality grains. CIE has the capability to dry and store 5 million bushels on its Marion campus, providing a feedstock supply to meet its continuous needs. The company does regular in-season crop checks to gauge the size and quality of each pending corn crop. The company grades all corn on-site, as it's delivered, ensuring consistency and quality through to its end-products.
CIE offers numerous services to its farmer partners:
A wide variety of purchase contract types
On-farm pick-up with its owned truck & trailer fleet
Extensive drying capacity to allow for harvest delivery options
Grain-Bag storage program
Dedicated team to assist with all producer marketing needs
Contact the CIE 'Grains' team for current grain bids and to discuss all your grain marketing needs or click the link to view the CIE Grains page.
Responsible Sourcing
CIE has a large, growing, and diverse supply chain. CIE recognizes the critical role suppliers play in helping CIE source responsibly and sustainably. CIE requires all suppliers to conduct business with respect for human rights, including labor rights, within direct and extended supply chain(s).
CIE strives to work with suppliers whom implement similar policies to CIE, including but not limited to:
Human & land rights
Ethical business conduct
Free & fair treatment of workers (including payment of fair wages & working conditions)
Maintaining safe workplaces
Commitment to sustainability and reduction of environmental impact